Why choose us?

Providing quality service is the key to our practice. We take the time to discuss your pet's health then design a treatment and wellness plan tailored to their needs.

Why Choose Us

Longer consultations

At Eastern Shore Veterinary Hospital, we consider the individual needs of both your pet and your self. We allocate up to 30 minutes for our standard consultations to allow our veterinarians to get to know your pet and you as a valued client of Eastern Shore Veterinary Hospital. Our longer consultations enable our veterinarians the time to thoroughly examine your pet and develop a wellness and/or treatment plan individually tailored to their needs.

Minimal waiting times

We know that your time is valued and precious. We strive to uphold minimal waiting times through strategic scheduling of consultations. We have up to 5 veterinarians working in the practice at any one time so that we can prioritise and share the work load, provide quality patient care and ensure client satisfaction. We do however at times, have unforeseen medical and surgical emergencies and of course, these take priority. Please contact us if you require your appointment time rescheduled or if you are running late.

Convenient opening hours

At Eastern Shore Veterinary Hospital, we understand that everyone leads busy lives and finding the time to see a vet after work can be difficult. That is why we are open longer during the working week until 7:00pm. We also know your pet can suddenly fall ill at any time and is why we are open longer until 3:00pm on a Saturday.

Compassionate Care

We understand how much our clients love their pets and are considered a valued family member. Whether your pet attends our clinic for a routine consultation, or requires an extensive stay in hospital, our friendly and compassionate team of veterinarians and support staff strive to ensure that your pet is attended to with care.